• Title Page 1

Laws of the State of Vermont; Revised and Passed by the Legislature, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven. Together with The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, with its Amendments, and the Constitution of the State of Vermont. And Acts and Laws Passed by the Legislature of the State of Vermont

Llewellyn Collection of Vermont History

Published Materials

1797;1801 (Exact Date;Exact Date)
Place of Publication
Rutland, VT and Windsor, VT
Object Type
Two volumes bound in one. First volume: Laws of the State of Vermont; Revised and Passed by the Legislature, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven. Together with The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, with its Amendments, and the Constitution of the State of Vermont, published by Josiah Fay in Rutland, Vermont in 1797. Second volume: Acts and Laws Passed by the Legislature of the State of Vermont, published by Alden Spooner in Windsor, Vermont in 1801. Full leather binding, 621 pages (volume 1) plus 158+ pages (volume 2).
13cm (W) 21.2cm (H) 7cm (D)
Leather, Paper

Library of Congress Subject Headings
Law [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh85075119]
Constitutions--United States--States [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2009121607]
Constitutions--United States [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2009121595]
Vermont--Politics and government [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh85142836]